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woman of colour
12.08.01 at 12:29 am

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i succeeded in getting money from this essay. yet, there is one phrase that keeps me from truly enjoying the essay itself...queer woman of colour. queer's fine, and i suppose colour ain't that bad. but i cannot find myself in woman. and i could not find a different way to write the essay without losing my multiculturalism. well, i suppose i wasn't quite as candid about myself as i could have been...

Optional Topics

4. In the context of your life experience, describe your understanding of cultural differences, how this awareness was acquired, and how it has affected you.

Until recently, I had not understood cultural differences from a theoretical perspective. Instead, I recognized cultural differences through my own experiences as a queer woman of color. My inate understanding of cultural differences left me unable to integrate all parts of my identity in certain spaces. For example, being half asian and half caucasian, it is often difficult to integrate my asian identity when in the company of only white peers. In virtually all spaces, my queer identity is not integrated or even understood. This lack of belonging has, in the past, left me silent and unable to communicate. However, I am priveleged to have such a complex cultural background. It has allowed me to understand and connect with people of diverse cultural backgrounds because I am able to engage on many levels. From a theoretical perspective, I have aquired the necessary tools to understand cultural differences from a more sociological and active perspective. This has afforded me the ability to recognize different kinds of silence. This is to say that while silence is often a disabling occurance, it can also be an empowering choice. From this I have gained the ability to use silence to my advantage. More importantly, I have learned the power of words in communicating beyond cultural differences.

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