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riot boy movement
03.06.02 at 5:46 pm

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so, i was thinking about a riot boy movement. the movement, if you will...

-radical cheerleaders II: but it'd have boys [and girls too.] like, faggot boys like me and their butch[ier] counterparts.

-more zines, good lord.

-inclusive musical fests...i concur with you on this general, inclusive 'spaces.' ...

except, we could hold a vendetta and be completely exlusive...and then we could be all trendy and have stupid shops like hot topic sell our shit. everyone would want to be one of us but of course they wouldn't because....or not. c'mon, i just wanted to be in the in crowd. nevermind.

-kick ass t-shirts. i always wanted a 'trans as i wanna be' patch. i can't know how to procure one.

-and then there could be a bar for just boys like us.

-and there would be no meetings or burocracy. but that's a lofty goal. and it would probably result in the self-destruction of the movement.

so those are my thought for the week...

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