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I'm Moose!

I'm Moose!

I'm very laid back. I enjoy comic books (especially of the Genetic Dozen and Tundra Woman), am an Evel Kneivel fan, and skateboarding. I'm wise beyond my years. My gender is often in question with most people.

Test created by shaolin


You Are a Cockring!

Slip it on
Keep it hard
Or else you'll fuck
Like a tard.

half virgin half whore

What Sex Toy Are *You*?
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You Are 1/2 Virgin, 1/2 Whore!

50-50, baby! Ah, you are fairly normal. You have sex, though to you it's not more exciting than a new designer outfit.
Secretly, you are a adventurous soul just waiting for someone to take control. Open up a little, and you'll show your guy the best sex ever.
There's nothing to be afraid of - except fainting from multiple orgasms!
You are great at kissing, getting yourself off, and using your hands.

What Do Girls Whisper Behind Your Back? Virgin or Whore Quiz Tells All!
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